[外電] Heat-Mavericks Preview

看板Mavericks作者 (黃金右腳)時間13年前 (2011/06/09 21:04), 編輯推噓14(1406)
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Heat-Mavericks Preview For nearly a year, LeBron James has shaken off the criticism, laughed off the trash talk. 在這一年之內,LeBron James擺脫了所有批評,對於垃圾話一笑置之。 None of it mattered to James, not as long as the Miami Heat remained on the route to a championship. 邁阿密熱火穩定的朝向總冠軍邁進,沒有什麼事對James產生影響。 But when that pursuit became threatened in part by his own poor play, James couldn't ignore the only critic that matters: himself. 但當熱火因為他糟糕的表現而陷入危機,James不能忽視這個唯一有 影響力的批評,這來自他自己。 James said Wednesday he "didn't play well" in Game 4, when the Dallas Mavericks edged the Heat 86-83 to even the series at two games apiece after the two-time MVP failed to find ways to make an impact offensively. James今天說他在第四戰沒打好,該役達拉斯小牛以86-83擊退熱火, 並且把系列賽追成2-2平手。這位兩度MVP無法在進攻上做出貢獻。 "I didn't do that last night," James said. "Those are the things that I pride myself on that hurt me the most. I'll just be hard on myself and figure out a way to do it better the next game." James說:"我昨天沒做到這點,這是我很自豪的部份,也讓我受傷 很深。我只需要對自己嚴厲一點,找到明天能打更好的方法。" The Heat arrived about 30 minutes late for their interview session Wednesday after watching extra film of the game, though they could have saved time by just fast-forwarding through James' no-show. 熱火在今天的訪問時間遲到半小時,因為他們多花了時間看影片, 不過他們可以快轉跳過James擺爛的部份。 He scored only eight points, held in single digits for the first time in 90 career playoff games, and attempted only 11 shots. James said he criticized himself all night, taking solace that he had at least two more chances to turn things around for himself and his team. 他只拿到8分,是他生涯打了90場比賽後第一次得分只有個位數, 他只出手11次。James說她整晚都在苛責自己,並且安慰自己說他 還有至少兩次機會來扭轉頹勢。 "If it was the Super Bowl, I would be kicking myself in the foot. We have one game. That's it," James said. "The great thing about this, it's a series. No matter if you can have a bad game, you can always make an imprint on the next game. Game 5 is a huge game." James說:"如果這是在超級盃,我會狠狠懲罰自己,因為我們只有 一場比賽。不過最棒的是,這是個系列賽,不管你打的多爛,你都 有機會在下一場比賽打的令人印象深刻,第五戰很關鍵。" And the way this series is shaping up, probably a close one. 照這系列賽的走向看起來,第五戰也會很接近。 Three straight games have been decided by three points or fewer, the first time that's happened in the championship round since 1948, according to STATS, LLC. The Baltimore Bullets and Philadelphia Warriors played Games 2-4 within a three-point margin during those Basketball Association of America finals, a year before that league merged with the National Basketball League to become the NBA. 連續三場比賽比分差在3分以下,根據STATS, LLC的統計,這是總冠軍 戰自1948年來的第一次。上次是在BAA總冠軍戰,巴爾的摩子彈與費城 勇士的第二戰到第四戰都在3分以內決勝負。隔年BAA就跟NBL合併組成 了NBA。 And while James has come under increased scrutiny for his passive play, Dirk Nowitzki is cementing his reputation by overcoming injury and illness to rally the Mavs to victories in two of the last three games. 當James在仔細檢視他消極的表現時,Dirk Nowitzki則是在克服了傷 痛與疾病之後,鞏固了他的聲譽,他帶領小牛在最近的兩場勝利中逆 轉贏球。 "Really, are there two guys that get more compared to Superman than Dwyane Wade and LeBron James? Think about it," Mavs president Donnie Nelson said. "Then our guy was the superstar that never really was a superstar because he was from Europe, or he was soft, or he couldn't win the big game." 小牛總裁Donnie Nelson說:"說真的,還有其他兩個人會跟Dwyane Wade與LeBron James一樣被拿來跟超人做比較嗎?仔細想想,我們 的超級巨星從來不被視為巨星,因為他是從歐洲來的,或是他之前 很軟,沒辦法在大比賽獲勝。" Not anymore. Not after Nowitzki made the go-ahead layup with a left hand that had a torn tendon in his middle finger with 3.6 seconds left in Game 2, and certainly not after fighting through a fever of 101 degrees to score 10 of his 21 points in the fourth quarter of Game 4. 不再是這樣了,在Dirk於第二戰帶著左手中指肌腱撕裂的傷勢依然 在最後3.6秒以左手上籃投進致勝球,與於第四戰對抗101度的高燒, 仍然在第四節砍進全場21分當中的10分之後,再也沒有人這樣想。 He felt better Wednesday morning, saying the fever had broke, though precautions were being made to make sure he didn't get anyone else sick. The microphone Nowitzki used for interviews was immediately replaced -- teammate Tyson Chandler followed him and joked to "burn that mic!" -- but the big German was already planning a workout later in the evening and thinking ahead to Thursday night. 他今天起床感覺好多了,說他退燒了。不過預防措施還是不能少, 以免其他人也被傳染。Dirk被訪問後的麥克風馬上被換掉,隊友 Tyson Chandler在他之後,並且開玩笑的說:"燒了它!"不過這 個德國大個已經在準備等會的練習,並思考明天的比賽。 "I think we have to be ready for anything," he said. "I think usually it's the team that loses that looks at the film and says, 'Hey, we have to do this.' Usually the team that loses has more of an edge, makes some adjustments with the coaches." 他說:"我們要對一切做好準備,我覺得通常輸球的隊伍會看影片 然後說:'嘿,我們要改善這裡。'通常輸球的球隊比較有優勢, 他們會跟教練商討對策。" For the Heat, that means finding ways to make James more aggressive. Wade has been their best player in the series, Chris Bosh was hot right from the start in Game 4, and that left James appearing confused how to contribute as the No. 3 option. 對熱火來說,他們就是要找到讓James能更有侵略性的打法,Wade是 他們這個系列賽打的最棒的球員,Chris Bosh從第四戰一開始就手感 火熱。這讓James對於他成為第三號得分點的角色感到困惑。 He stayed too long around the perimeter and wasn't active in seeking the ball, content to rely on the help he was so eager to leave Cleveland to find. 他在三分線外待太久了,也不積極要球。他太滿足於他離開克里夫蘭 來尋求的幫手。 "He will be more aggressive and have more of an attack mentality tomorrow night," Heat coach Erik Spoelstra said. "He doesn't need to overthink it. He's a great player. He's a proven player. He knows how to be aggressive and how to pick his spots. I don't want him to necessarily overthink it. The aggressive mentality will be enough. We will do some things to help him, put him in positions to be aggressive." 熱火教練Erik Spoelstra:"他明天會更積極,心態上會更有攻擊性。 他不需要想太多,他是個偉大的球員,他已經被證明過了。他知道該 如何展現侵略性並且找到定位。我不想讓他想太多,有積極的心態就 夠了。我們會做些事來幫助他,把他放在能夠有侵略性的位置。" The Heat largely dominated the first seven quarters of the series, appearing potent enough to sweep their way to a championship. Yet the Mavs have hung in, often controlled the fourth quarters -- James has been held to nine total points in them -- and their bravado seems to be growing. 熱火在這個系列賽的前七節掌控全局,看起來他們有潛力用橫掃拿到 冠軍。但是小牛撐住了,並且常常掌控第四節的比賽,James在第四節 總共只拿到9分,小牛看起來更有吹噓的本錢了。 Reserve guard Jason Terry wondered aloud if James could defend him for seven games. DeShawn Stevenson took things further Wednesday when he said James "checked out" late in Game 4. 替補後衛Jason Terry大聲宣稱說試試看James能不能七場都守住他。 DeShawn Stevenson則又在今天說James在第四戰的後半段好像提早離 場了。 The Heat's star power -- and the desire many have to see them lose following James' high-profile move last summer -- already made this a must-see series, and the tightness of the games has taken it a step further. Averaging 15.5 million viewers on ABC, it's drawing the most since 2004, Shaquille O'Neal and Kobe Bryant's last year together with the Lakers. 熱火眾星雲集,也有很多人等著看他們去年許多大咖加盟卻吃鱉, 這讓這個系列賽變的令人非看不可,場場接近的比賽更是讓觀眾目 不轉睛。ABC的平均收視人口是1550萬人,平了2004年以來的最高 紀錄,當年是Shaquille O'Neal與Kobe Bryant在湖人攜手奮戰的 最後一年。 Those superstars were humbled by Detroit. Now the Mavs are trying to hand James and Wade the same result. 那些超級巨星卻被底特律活塞擊敗,現在小牛也希望讓James與Wade 嚐到一樣的結果。 "So in my opinion, it's interesting because it's kind of `The Little Train That Could,' that hasn't quite done it yet, and then you've got these known commodities, household names," Nelson said. "I think that's what has really brought this to a really cool clash and why it's brought the rest of the country in. It makes for interesting theater." Nelson說:"在我看來這很有趣,因為這像是小蝦米對抗大鯨魚。 還不只呢,對手還有很多知名人物和家喻戶曉的球員。我想這讓 系列賽變成非常酷的戰爭,這會是很有趣的戲碼。" (一年來第一次看到Nelson發言,還真是一發不可收拾。= =) 明天的第五戰一樣是非贏不可 兩隊都想搶得聽牌先機 另外就是明天將是今年小牛主場最後一場比賽了 接下來就要目送小牛遠征邁阿密 球季將在邁阿密畫下句點 達拉斯主場觀眾一定會熱烈的幫小牛送行的!! 明天主場一定會沸騰嗨翻天 讓小牛有機會展現出最強悍的一面!! Let's Go Mavs!! -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

06/09 21:11, , 1F
ESPN SportsCenter等下有老闆的專題
06/09 21:11, 1F

06/09 21:12, , 2F
Let's Go Mavs!!]
06/09 21:12, 2F

06/09 21:20, , 3F
06/09 21:20, 3F

06/09 21:20, , 4F
06/09 21:20, 4F

06/09 21:22, , 5F
現在 老闆專題
06/09 21:22, 5F

06/09 21:50, , 6F
Let's Go Mavs! Beat Miami! We'll be champions!
06/09 21:50, 6F

06/09 21:52, , 7F
Let's Go Mavs!!
06/09 21:52, 7F

06/09 22:13, , 8F
哀 黑霧........有沒有他很重要吧
06/09 22:13, 8F

06/09 22:13, , 9F
06/09 22:13, 9F

06/09 22:22, , 10F
Let's Go Mavs!!
06/09 22:22, 10F

06/09 22:35, , 11F
06/09 22:35, 11F

06/09 22:38, , 12F
Let's Go Mavs! Beat Miami! We'll be champions!
06/09 22:38, 12F

06/09 23:34, , 13F
這些現在放話的 明天最好不要消失不見了...
06/09 23:34, 13F

06/09 23:37, , 14F
06/09 23:37, 14F

06/09 23:45, , 15F
Let's Go Mavs!!!
06/09 23:45, 15F

06/10 00:20, , 16F
Let's Go Mavs!!!
06/10 00:20, 16F

06/10 00:37, , 17F
Let's Go Mavs!!!
06/10 00:37, 17F

06/10 01:00, , 18F
06/10 01:00, 18F

06/10 03:30, , 19F
Cuban: Donnie你只剩兩場可以講,之後我要講整個夏天
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06/10 10:19, , 20F
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