[翻譯] Stratovarius-Against the Wind

看板RockMetal作者 (不肯老去的疲憊靈魂)時間15年前 (2009/07/18 19:57), 編輯推噓16(1604)
留言20則, 15人參與, 最新討論串1/2 (看更多)
咳,聽說這個版是RM版,歌詞翻譯po這裡應該不會被水桶吧~ 慶祝Stratovarius即將再度來台暨「RM衝撞大會」熱烈舉行,點這首歌給所有 逆風而行的熱血硬漢~ http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4nbzqYoUvgA
Music by Tolkki, words by Tolkki/Kotipelto Once again I try to make things work facing all the power of society 我再度面對社會各方壓力下,想讓我的夢想成真。 Searching all the answers of the life I'll never make it on my own 窮盡人生的解答,我絕無法獨立完成。 Was I meant to fail everytime Seems to me thats my destiny 我註定每次都失敗收場嗎?這似乎是我的宿命 Is this all that's left to me Confusion and bad memories 每每留下的都是迷惘與挫折的記憶 But now my time has come No more running in the dark 不過現在我的時機已然來臨,毋須在黑暗中奔跑 I want much more than this I really want it all 我想要得更多,我猴想整碗捧來~ Against the wind we run to every place under the sun 我們逆風奔跑,在每個陽光照得到的角落。 We've got so much power inside We will never give up 我們小宇宙在膨脹,我們永不放棄。 Against the wind we go towards the new shore 我們逆風而行,航向全新的彼岸。 Together we'll forget the sorrow it's forever gone 團結一起,我們忘記憂傷。 永遠的拋諸腦後。 ======== 我們以為自己在思考,其實只是在整理我們的偏見罷了~ (不忘最後留一句引戰,ㄎㄎ~) Windows作業系統:您的檔案系統效能還可以提升,建議您立即重組 [立即重組] -- I don't need to worry 'bout tomorrow Ain't anticipating what's to come And I don't need to worry 'bout the things I have not done Long as I got rock and roll I'm forever young Long as I got rock and roll I'm forever young -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

07/18 19:58, , 1F
07/18 19:58, 1F

07/18 20:01, , 2F
07/18 20:01, 2F

07/18 20:05, , 3F
幹麻降子~~ .-.
07/18 20:05, 3F

07/18 20:06, , 4F
這裡是西藏版 科科
07/18 20:06, 4F

07/18 20:40, , 6F
西藏版+1 XD
07/18 20:40, 6F

07/18 22:13, , 7F
07/18 22:13, 7F

07/18 22:32, , 8F
請狗躂大不要發表跟西藏無關的話題好嗎? 揪咪 ^.<
07/18 22:32, 8F

07/19 00:54, , 9F
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07/19 13:03, , 16F
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07/20 00:25, , 17F
看到一樓還真的以為走錯 = =
07/20 00:25, 17F

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文章代碼(AID): #1AORYERA (RockMetal)
文章代碼(AID): #1AORYERA (RockMetal)