Re: [分享]一段關於SATC的搞笑模仿秀

看板SEX_City作者 (Lost in Translation)時間20年前 (2004/03/24 06:27), 編輯推噓5(500)
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※ 引述《clairewen (**可樂兒**)》之銘言: : 後半段Samantha說的話有好多單字啊..到底是在說什麼呢? : 拜託好心人翻譯一下吧..謝囉... 我不知道什麼是Shanghai Surprise. 還有Cramblin' & Gramblin'也不知道是什麼 其他的我翻出來了, 有錯誤請幫忙指正!! ******* SNL- SATC TRANSLATION ******* 現在,欲望城市完結篇 (惡搞片頭) (片名; [Carrie on, Bags]) Carrie: (aside) The worst thing about going a-broad is missing the other broads, and my brood of broads is badly brooding --- over me 凱莉: (畫外音)出國最難過的事就是想念我的浪女女友, 其中孵蛋的那一個 想我到快要瘋了 Miranda: You guys, I miss Carrie. 米蘭達: 大家, 我好想凱莉. Charlotte: I miss her face. I miss her cute puns! 夏洛特: 我想念她的臉, 我想念她可愛的雙關語 Samantha : I miss telling her all the guys I am screwing. 莎曼珊: 我想念告訴她我搞過的男人 Carrie: You guys! I'm back! 凱莉: 各位, 我回來了! Charlotte: Carrie! What are you doing here! I thought you're in Paris! 夏洛特: 凱莉, 你在這裡做什麼! 我以為你在巴黎! Carrie: I came back early because I made a very big decision! I'm gonna marry Big! 凱莉: 我提早回來, 因為我做了一個重大決定! 我要和大人物結婚! (girls gasp) (女生們驚訝) Charlotte: You mean a big... Big decision! 夏洛特: 你是說... 大...大的決定!! Miranda: (shaking babies) Then what about the Russian? 米蘭達: (搖晃小孩中) 那個俄國人怎麼辦? Carrie: Uh, the Russian and I broke off. I have Stalin graduated from that relationship. He was the red square! Ha ha ha! 凱莉: 俄國佬和我分手了. 我讓史達林從這段關係畢業. 他像紅場一樣! (他 沒搞頭了) 哈哈哈! Charlotte: Guys.. God, Carrie, I miss your hillarious puns so much! Hey, do more! 夏洛特: 大家...天啊, 凱莉, 我好想你的爆笑的雙關語! 嘿, 再來一個! Samantha: your cramblin' turned out to be a gramblin'. (girls laugh) Carrie: he said I wore too much moscow-wa (maskara). He's back in the USSR and I DO know how lucky "I" are. 凱莉: 他說我擦太多莫斯科膏(睫毛膏), 他回到蘇聯, 我知道我有多幸運. Charlotte: Yay!!! I have an announce too. Harry and I have decided to adopt a baby! 夏洛特: 耶!我也有大消息要公布. 哈利和我決定領養一個寶寶! Carrie: Oh! 凱莉: 噢! Miranda: You want this one? I hate it. 米蘭達: 你要這個嗎?我討厭死它了. Charlotte: Okay. 夏洛特: 好啊 Miranda: (passing her the baby) Here 米蘭達: (傳小孩給夏) 拿去 Charlotte: Look, I'm a mommy! 夏洛特: 看看, 我當媽咪了! Carrie: That's a pretty good trade. Who's your stroller broker? 凱莉: 那是很不錯的交易, 你的嬰兒車經紀人是誰? (laughs) Charlotte: Yay, puns! I love puns! 夏洛特: 耶! 雙關語! 我愛雙關語! Samantha: Well, as long as we are on the topic of Big announcements, I have something to tell you all. I'm a dude. 莎曼珊; 只要我們還在公佈重大消息, 我也有件事要告訴你們. 我是個男人. Charlotte: well, you certainly date like one! 夏洛特: 你確實像個男人一樣約會. Samantha: I'm not joking. I'm a dude. I've been hiding my 'candy' from you for the last six years. 莎曼珊: 我不是開玩笑. 我是男人. 過去六年來我一直對你們隱藏我的"糖果 " Carrie: Wait a minute, are... are you saying that you're a .... 凱莉: 等等, 你 ...你說你是個... Samantha: a tranie 莎曼珊: 是個變裝者 Miranda: Wait, you're a ... 米蘭達:等等, 你是個... Samantha: ... a drag queen, a 'shanghai surprise' of blonde smuggler. 莎曼珊: 是扮裝皇后, 是.... (不知道怎麼翻???) Charlotte: you're a ... 夏洛特:你是... Samantha: ... a private dick 莎曼珊: 藏起來的老二 Miranda: Okay okay we... 米蘭達:好了,好了, 我們... Samantha: ... a weenie in a bottle 莎曼珊: 是瓶中香腸 (和"瓶中精靈"諧音) Carrie: I.. How could I have not known this? 凱莉: 我...我怎麼會不曉得? Miranda: I thought you have breast cancer! 米蘭達: 我以為你得了乳癌! Samantha: Well, I did have a lump, but it turns out to be a third testicle. I'm fine. 莎曼珊: 我確實有一個腫瘤, 結果發現那是第三個睪丸. 我沒事. Carrie: This whole time we thought you were dying, you're having a ball! 凱莉: 我們一直以為你快死了, 結果你只是長了顆蛋? Charlotte: So you really are a guy? 夏洛特: 那你真的是男的嘍? Samantha: My name Is Sam-Mantha. And I do live in the meat packing district. Alone. 莎曼珊; 我的名字是沙--曼山, 我確實住在包肉區, 一個人住. Charlotte: Well, you're still my friend tonight and I love you. 夏洛特: 今晚你還是我的朋友, 我也愛你們. Carrie: Here is to all the sex we've had in this city. 凱莉: 敬我們在城市裡有過的性愛 Samantha: Sweet lady NY, you're the 5th whore at this table! 沙曼山: 親愛的紐約小姐, 你是這桌第五個浪女! Carrie: Later that night I got to thinking about Samantha and what kind of puns I could make about her. Maybe something like "You've got She- Maled", or, "Tranie get your gun!" And then I wondered, did it matter? Samantha had lied about having a penis, but were we lying to ourselves about having happi-ness? Oh-oh, computer mal-punction! Oh oh, bye everybody, enjoy your The Sopranos! 凱莉: 那晚, 我想到莎曼珊, 還有什麼樣的雙關語可以用在她身上. 大概像是 "變裝情人" 或是 "人妖金槍". 然後我想, 這有什麼大不了? 莎曼珊沒有坦承 有根老二, 但是我們是否沒有坦承擁有幸福? 噢, 不, 電腦雙關語故障, 噢, 噢, 再見, 好好欣賞"黑道家族"! -- ::灰色大街::: CSI: BugMe :: -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊( ◆ From:

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把shanghai surprise打進google就有答案了
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