Re: 法網QF賽後訪問

看板Federer作者 (Aaron)時間15年前 (2009/06/05 12:05), 編輯推噓6(603)
留言9則, 4人參與, 最新討論串7/7 (看更多)
: THE MODERATOR: French questions, please. : Q. You were very consistent in your game right from the first rally, so how : did you prepare for this match mentally to be in the match at all times? 你非常穩定的從一開始的對峙就進入你的比賽之中,是如何在心理層面上辦到如此? : ROGER: Well, I hoped I would start better than during the last matches when I : put myself in difficult situation either because of my opponent or : because of my game. But quite fortunately today the tiebreak was good. : I played in a very aggressive way. : I managed to go by thetactic I had planned. When I can do that, I feel : very confident, and I felt confident. And then my shape was getting : better and better all along the match. I'm very happy with my : performance today. 當然,不論是對手或是我的比賽,我希望一開始就進入狀況總比讓自已處於 落後時再進入狀況好些。相當幸運的今天tiebreak不錯,我打的很有侵略性 我掌控全局在我計畫之中,要是如此,我會變得相當有自信,當我有自信時 狀況就會在整場比賽內了,我很高興我今天的表現(我們也很高興><) : Q. Was experience important today? 經驗對今天來說重要嗎? : ROGER: Maybe. I didn't talk about the match with Gaël afterwards. I didn't : listen to what he said. But as far as I'm concerned, whether I'm : nervous or not before such a match, I know that these are key moments, : and these are the key moments when I play the best. : I have new opportunity to reach the semifinals here in Paris,and I can : do better. 結束後我沒跟跳跳人談論到比賽,我沒聽到他說啥 盡可能的專注在比賽內,不論我緊張與否,我知道這些都是關鍵時刻, 所以我打得相當好 我有機會達到法網的semi,我能夠做得更好 : Q. You said it at least 10 times today that you were nervous. Were you nervous : because he was a French guy, because people said it was the most difficult : match for you on your way to the title? Was it "the" opponent you had to : defeat to win the title? 今天你說了不下十次你是緊張的,是因為對手是阿法仔嗎?球迷說這會是你 前往冠軍盃最困難的比賽,因為你必須擊敗地主選手。 : ROGER: No, those guys reaching semifinals deserve more than those who are not. : Maybe it's a combination of everything, but it can also be a feeling : you have, you know, deep within yourself. : You think, okay, I'm nervous. I don't know why. You can't sleep well, : even though before it wasn't a problem. But you don't manage to eat : well, you feel a bit dizzy, and you don't know exactly why. You know, : there are days like that on the tour. That happens. : It's also true that there's a lot of pressure with all those who lost : before, and I was facing a French guy. So quite normal I had a bit of : pressure, but that made no difference once I was on the court. 不,這些晉級到semi的傢伙們比起未晉級更值得(好好對付?)可能是恰巧 每個環節都到位,或是你自己最深沉的感受。我也不知道為啥我有點緊張, 沒辦法睡的好,之前這些都不會是問題。你無法控制食慾,感到有點暈眩, 確實的原因自己也不明瞭,但是這次法網就這樣發生了。 我面對的跳跳人,對那些之前輸掉了人來說有些壓力是事實。所以我有點壓力 也是正常的,但到了賽場上那又會不太一樣了 : Q. When did you understand that you actually won the match? Was it during the : second set or during the third set when you had this forehand down the line 你何時意識到會贏得這場比賽?是第二盤還是第三盤有一球正拍漂亮的 壓在底線上的時候? : ROGER: No, that was when I had a break game at 5-4. I knew I was in an : optimal position, and yet you always have a huge respect for your : opponent. You can't help but thinking, well, with his style, with the : support of the crowd, he can still win the third set, and then we'll : have to play a fourth set and it's going to be hard. : So it's 5-4, 30-Love,and you feel a bit more relaxed than if you have : to play a tiebreak. 是在我破發來到5-4的時候,我知道我在一個最理想的位置,前提你還是必須 對你的對手有著最大敬意。不管是對手的方式,阿法仔的支持,他仍有機會 贏得第三盤,這樣我們就得打四盤,那會變得困難許多 所以5-4,30-0那時你會感到比打tiebreak輕鬆些 : Q. In English you said it was your best match here in Paris. Maybe your best : match on clay this year. Why would you say that? What in your game are you : particularly happy about today? 你說這是你在巴黎打最好的一場,可能是你今年在紅土賽季最棒的。為何這麼說呢? 比賽中有什麼讓你特別高興嗎? : ROGER: A bit of everything. I managed to implement my tactics. I wanted to be : aggressive, and I managed to be aggressive, even if I made mistakes at : the beginning. But I went by my plan and it worked out, so I'm happy. : I had good coverage of the courts. I'm happy. I know that Gaël is the : kind of player, you know, when he wants, he can play incredible tennis. : When he doesn't, he doesn't. : He has these ups and downs, so that makes it difficult to play him. : But today it worked out well, so I'm extremely happy about it. 可能是所有事情吧,我掌控了我要的策略,我想打的積極些,即便我再一開始 犯了點小錯,但我一步一步來,而且成功了,所以我很高興。 我跟場地結合的很好,我也知道跳跳人是個全面性的選手,當他想要時, 他可以打出些不可思議的球 (編按:我怎麼覺得你比較不可思議??) 他無所不在,所以跟他打有些困難,但我今天發展的很好,所以我相當高興 (我們也相當高興!泣~~) : Q. You might be playing a final against a Swedish guy. What can you tell us : about Soderling's game? 你可能在決賽對上瑞典人,對於蘇打綠你有啥看法? : ROGER: Well, wonderful. He's defeated Ferrer, Nadal, and Davydenko, one after : the other, not even playing five sets. I think it was four sets, four : sets, and three sets. I just played him in Madrid. It was an easy match, : two sets. But he's in pretty good shape, so he's gotlots of chances in : semifinals. 相當好,他打敗費瑞,納豆,跟登科,不同的是,我想或許四盤或三盤, 他沒用到五盤大戰就擊倒對手。我在馬德里才跟他打過,雖然是比較簡單 兩盤決勝負的比賽,但他還是在相當好的狀態內,所以在這他有更好的機會 達到semi : Q. A week ago, would you have imagined you'd be the super favorite of the : tournament? If we told you that like 10 days ago, would you have believed : us? 一個星期前你有想過你會是這邊最受喜愛的球員嗎?要是我們十天前告訴你, 你信不信? : ROGER: Well, at this stage, you know, I expected I would be in semifinals, : but I was not expecting Rafa to be out before the semifinals. : But once you've reached the semifinals, those four guys have an : opportunity to win the tournament. 在這,我期望我能夠到達semi,但我沒料到豆兒在四強前就出局了。一旦你 達到四強的門檻,這四位選手都有機會拿到冠軍 : Q. That's a huge performance. That's your 20th semifinal in a Grand Slam : tournament. That sounds crazy. What do you think about it? 大滿貫連續二十次晉級到四強,聽起來相當誇張,對於這麼強大的表現, 你有什麼想法? : ROGER: It's the "in a row" that seems incredible to me. Twenty semifinals is : incredible, but twenty semifinals in a row? It's even more incredible, : even to me. Sometimes I lose sight of it because of all the tournaments : and matches I play all along the year. You lose sights of these : records, but that's probably the one I'm most proud of. : I still hold it. So, yes, that's big. That's huge. I'm really proud : of it. 在這一系列當中對我來說相當不可思議,二十次誇張的四強(編按:好強) 在我打了這麼多年這麼多場比賽之後有時候你會失去對紀錄的看法(sight?), 但這也可能是我覺得很驕傲的一點,我擁有這項強大的紀錄。 ====================================== 一時興起就給它翻一翻了~~來的有點晚!! 翻的不好請多見諒阿!! -- inside ~ all about me ~ -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊( ◆ From: ※ 編輯: sakula45 來自: (06/05 12:12)

06/05 12:38, , 1F

06/05 12:45, , 2F
有點初階的問題,in row跟tieback是甚麼意思?
06/05 12:45, 2F

06/05 12:46, , 3F
06/05 12:46, 3F

06/05 12:54, , 4F
in a row是指持續、連續;tie break是搶七
06/05 12:54, 4F

06/05 12:58, , 5F
rogi的意思是說 "連續"20次四強的紀錄才是讓他覺得不可思
06/05 12:58, 5F

06/05 12:58, , 6F
06/05 12:58, 6F

06/05 13:02, , 7F
06/05 13:02, 7F

06/05 17:49, , 8F
lose sight of 忘記 忽略.
06/05 17:49, 8F

06/06 05:05, , 9F
↑只是幫查字典 XD
06/06 05:05, 9F
※ 編輯: sakula45 來自: (05/05 15:57)
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